This is a post about my frustration level. So, let that be your warning now.
I have been having a lot of issues with being overly stressed and frustrated lately. I just keep having setback after setback. I can't seem to get a break and be able to take a chance to calm my nerves.
Let me explain what happened today to make me so frustrated. To start, I had a horrible day at work. In general it was just a frustrating day with everything I had to deal with and I feel like it just got worse from one minute to the next. Then after school, I had to deal with my own kids coming into my room, messing it up and creating chaos. They have been having this nasty habit of coming in my room and playing with EVERYTHING and messing it up completely. I have been trying hard to get them to understand that my classroom is not their personal playground. Though, to give them a bit of grace, it is rough being at school all day and then having to stay there for even longer while your mom works on her classroom stuff. They want to keep busy and I get that. I just want them to understand that my room has to be left relatively intact.
I was just at the end of my rope by the end of the day already. Then I got so frustrated with them because when I had to answer my phone to talk to a parent, I told them to be quiet because I had to take that call. However, when I started talking to the parent, my kids went nuts! They started yelling at each other and running around behind me! I was so upset with them. After I was done with the phone call, I made my kids sit in almost complete silence. They had to realize that the way they act is unacceptable.
So, on my way home, I thought to myself that I could use a break. Then I realized that a break wouldn't really help me. My issues would be right there when I came home. My son's behavior problems, daughters' attitudes, work issues, keeping my home clean, etc.... I have no one to defer to and ask for help with these issues and all those problems will be waiting for me when I get done with my "break." Even while taking my "break" I am usually talking or thinking about my issues and trying to figure out how to fix it. I just don't see a benefit to taking the night off, getting a sitter to take care of the kids and spending all that money. Maybe that is the frustration talking, but all I see is an hour away from the family and then having to deal with just as much, or maybe even more depending on Daniel's behavior, when I come back. The rational side of me knows I need a break and need to take a deep breath, but I guess the irrational side is the one winning out right now. Who knows, maybe I will surprise myself and it will actually help. One can hope at least.
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