Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 233: Preparing

Today is Friday. I just finished another work week... Something that always makes my day better. The fact that I made it through a week of work and am still going is something that always puts me in a better mood. I love the fact that I can say I am getting one week closer, instead of just one day. It is more of an accomplishment for me in a way.

Tonight I am getting myself ready to head to a marriage conference put on by my church. It is an hour drive away from here, and we have to leave pretty early, so I am hoping I can actually make it there in time... Since I am rarely on time. I know I am going to this conference for a reason. It is geared towards couples, but the welcome singles too. I am still a part of a couple, even if we are geographically separated. So, I am going. I figure it will be good for me to hear, whether Ian is there or not. I am hoping they will video it or at least record it so I can get it and send it to Ian so he can be a part of it too.

So, for now, I am heading to bed. Preparing for tomorrow and the weekend ahead. Then looking towards and preparing for next week and the holiday that is coming... Valentine's Day. I know I can't jump the gun here, and I will try really hard to wait and see what the day brings. Who knows, I might be surprised.

I am getting so much closer to seeing my husband again. I can't wait to hold him in my arms again.

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