Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 250: Accomplishing our goals

I am pretty excited right now for all the changes Ian and I are making in our lives. I have stated before that I wanted to accomplish a lot more during this deployment than what I have accomplished. But right now, I am excited for what I will accomplish and the plans we have laid out and goals we will reach. We are working out budget well and I have been doing really well at watching what I am spending. I am cooking at home more and keeping within budget when we do go out.

As I have told you before, our marriage thrives on communication. It has been something we have been pretty good at throughout our marriage. This deployment, though, has given us more of a challenge, and so far, we have risen to that challenge and are continuing to keep our marriage strong. Last night, we had our bi-monthly (at least) budget talks. We decided what we will need for the next two weeks, what we want, and what we will start paying down this month. We also got our tax return and have decided that it will be used to pay off bills and for our vacation we plan to take when Ian comes home for good. With that money, and a plan to use the rest of my paychecks to pay off bills, we are making a dent in our debt and will have a few payments knocked out by the time he gets back.

Individually, Ian and I are working on ourselves. Ian is continuing to better himself with rigorous PT (Physical Training) and continues to work on new ways to communicate with the kids and me. I am working on myself physically, working towards a 5k in December, as well as working on myself spiritually and emotionally. I am trying to better myself in all aspects, so that again, my husband has something to come home to. Someone who has changed for the better but not too much that I am not the same person he fell in love with.

Another day done, another day closer to seeing him again.

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