Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 237: My Handsome Date

Today is Valentine's Day. A day I have been dreading all week. Though I was pretty determined to make it good. My husband called me late last night and I was able to tell him thank you for the flowers and "Happy Valentine's Day." We couldn't talk long, but even hearing from him for a minute was enough for me. The fact that he called and I heard his voice tells me all I need to know: He is safe and he love me. Those two truths will get me through the hardest of days.

A few years ago I started giving a single rose to some of my best friends whose husbands were TDY or deployed. I loved being able to bring a smile to their faces and make the day alone just a little bit better. Despite being alone myself, I really wanted to do this for some of my local friends. So, I bought some roses and wrapped them last night. This morning, we left the house really early and dropped off the roses on the doorsteps of my friends' houses. Since it was so early, I just left them there and sent them a text to check their door. It accomplished what I wanted... It made them smile and feel loved. That in turn made me smile and made my day start out really well. 

Since I work at my kids' school, today was a really busy day. We had a lot of stuff to cart in to the school and then I had to also worry about the parties for the two classes I taught in today. It was just a busy, crazy day. The kids all had fun, which is the point, but I was beat. Unfortunately, there was no rest for me after school.

Last week my son told me he wanted to go on a date with me. He was very serious about it. My amazing friend, Lyssa, offered to watch the girls for me so Daniel could take me out on a Valentine's day date. I bought him a pair of slacks, button up shirt, and a tie yesterday so he could wear it for our date. He loved it and decided to wear it to school so everyone could see it. I knew it wouldn't make it through the day clean, and I was right, but he was still adament about wearing it for our date. He still looked handsome as ever as we went out.

Before we left the house, I told Daniel some important rules about taking a girl on a date. (He was taking the date thing very seriously, and I want to train him right.) I told him he had to be really nice to his date and should always get flowers for his date. He thought about that for a second, then turned around and grabbed one of the roses I had leftover that was wrapped up on the counter. Then with a huge grin he handed it to me and said, "This is for you, my beautiful mommy date." It about made me cry. He is the sweetest thing.

We went to dinner and had fun just hanging out and talking. When the waitress brought the ticket he tried to tell her he was going to pay for it, and the waitress thought it was cute. So, I handed Daniel my card and told him he could hand it to her. She took it from him and he was so polite and said thank you to her. When she brought it back, I signed the merchant copy and I let Daniel sign mine. He thought that was pretty cool.

After dinner we stopped by the bowling alley on the way back home and played at the arcade for a few minutes. We both had a blast! All in all, a great night and Daniel really was a great date. I told Ian about it tonight when he called and he said he was so proud of him and was glad that I was able to go out. Though I missed my husband, I was glad that I got to have that time with my son. It is a Valentine's Day I will never forget.

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