Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 30: One Month Down, Ladies and Gentlemen!

A MONTH! I made it through the first month! I am so stoked about that, because that means I have only 11 more to go. That may sound like a lot (and it kinda is) but it is better than saying I have a whole year! I feel a sense of accomplishment. I have survived through my first month of this deployment. I had ups and downs, but I made it. One day at a time does work. Now, if I am this excited about making it through a month, well, you will just have to wait to read my very last blog of this deployment.... It will be an insane celebration.

Today was a good day. I got an email from my husband. He said some of the sweetest things that made me cry, but in a good way. I then took the kids to the pool, brought them home, fed them, and then took them to daycare for CYSS's "Give Parents a Break" night. It was fun. I got to steal my awesome friend, Lyssa, and take her out with me. Her fantastic husband was nice enough to let me steal her and watched Natalie when the center refused to take her... All because her inhaler didn't have the prescription label (even though we had a written doctor's order for it). Even though her asthma is mild and this is not the season for it, they still wouldn't let me leave her (sorry that is a side rant that just continues the problems I have had with CYSS here). So, Lyssa's husband said he would watch her so Lyssa and I could still get out. I owe him. Anyways, we went to Olive Garden and had dinner. We were going to go to the movies but by the time we signed the kids in (which took 45 min for Daniel alone) and got back across post to take Natalie back to Lyssa's house, we just didn't have the time to eat then get to a movie and back in time to pick up the kids. Our 5 hour window turned into 3 hours. It was ok though. We still had fun. We ate and talked and laughed. Good times.

I sit here tonight hurting a bit and I am reminded of yet another little reason why I miss my husband... He always put sunscreen on my back and shoulders for me! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have a sunburn. Those of you who know me, know that A) I am pale as can be (seriously, when Casper looks at me he has to put on sunglasses, he is tan compared to me), and, naturally, B) Getting a sunburn is not a hard thing for me to do. That being said, Ian makes sure to get everything on my back and doubles up on my shoulders. Emily helped me today with that, and did the best she could, but was not able to completely cover me. And people wonder why I don't like going out in the sun. I give you exhibit A) my burned shoulders and back. Oh the little things my husband did for me that I miss. One of his many hats he wore around this family: Sunscreen Applicator.

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